top hundred binaries on jadzia

(accessed during last 24 hours)
# atime package binary
#0 1731883501 dpkg /usr/bin/dpkg
#1 1731883501 dpkg /usr/bin/dpkg-query
#2 1731883377 wireless-tools /usr/sbin/iwlist
#3 1731883377 net-tools /usr/sbin/mii-tool
#4 1731883377 ethtool /usr/sbin/ethtool
#5 1731883359 smartmontools /usr/sbin/smartctl
#6 1731883358 lm-sensors /usr/bin/sensors
#7 1731883203 texlive-binaries /usr/bin/bibtex.original
#8 1731883201 bibtex2html /usr/bin/bibtex2html
#9 1731883201 libc-bin /usr/bin/locale
#10 1731883201 texlive-binaries /usr/bin/kpsewhich
#11 1731883142 procps /usr/bin/uptime
#12 1731883141 procmail /usr/bin/lockfile
#13 1731882003 lsb-release /usr/bin/lsb_release
#14 1731877572 openssh-client /usr/bin/scp
#15 1731877566 khard /usr/bin/khard
#16 1731875400 gxmessage /usr/bin/gmessage
#17 1731875400 gxmessage /usr/bin/gxmessage
#18 1731874917 coreutils /usr/bin/chmod
#19 1731873975 coreutils /usr/bin/mv
#20 1731873962 vdirsyncer /usr/bin/vdirsyncer
#21 1731873835 rdesktop /usr/bin/rdesktop
#22 1731873601 libnotify-bin /usr/bin/notify-send
#23 1731872599 html2text /usr/bin/html2text
#24 1731871983 coreutils /usr/bin/sort
#25 1731871593 notmuch /usr/bin/notmuch
#26 1731871279 at /usr/bin/atrm
#27 1731871279 at /usr/bin/atq
#28 1731871279 at /usr/bin/at
#29 1731870242 dirmngr /usr/bin/dirmngr
#30 1731868574 coreutils /usr/bin/comm
#31 1731868432 gpgconf /usr/bin/gpgconf
#32 1731868432 gpgconf /usr/bin/gpg-connect-agent
#33 1731868271 lua5.1 /usr/bin/lua5.1
#34 1731868202 leafnode /usr/sbin/fetchnews
#35 1731868201 iputils-ping /usr/bin/ping4
#36 1731868201 sysvinit-core /usr/sbin/runlevel
#37 1731868201 init-system-helpers /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d
#38 1731868201 logrotate /usr/sbin/logrotate
#39 1731868201 iputils-ping /usr/bin/ping6
#40 1731868201 anacron /usr/sbin/anacron
#41 1731868201 iputils-ping /usr/bin/ping
#42 1731867971 syncmaildir /usr/bin/smd-server
#43 1731867970 syncmaildir /usr/bin/smd-push
#44 1731867969 syncmaildir /usr/bin/smd-client
#45 1731867969 syncmaildir /usr/bin/mddiff
#46 1731867969 syncmaildir /usr/bin/smd-pull
#47 1731867903 wget /usr/bin/wget
#48 1731867901 leafnode /usr/sbin/leafnode
#49 1731867901 coreutils /usr/bin/nice
#50 1731867667 diffutils /usr/bin/cmp
#51 1731867667 xdelta /usr/bin/xdelta
#52 1731867666 coreutils /usr/bin/cp
#53 1731867661 sysvinit-utils /usr/bin/pidof
#54 1731867661 gpg /usr/bin/gpg
#55 1731867661 sysvinit-utils /usr/sbin/killall5
#56 1731867601 nmap /usr/bin/nping
#57 1731867497 coreutils /usr/bin/who
#58 1731867441 firefox /usr/bin/firefox
#59 1731867365 coreutils /usr/bin/mktemp
#60 1731867301 coreutils /usr/bin/du
#61 1731867161 coreutils /usr/bin/cut
#62 1731867068 curl /usr/bin/curl
#63 1731867062 getmail6 /usr/bin/getmail
#64 1731867013 coreutils /usr/bin/wc
#65 1731867007 coreutils /usr/bin/df
#66 1731867005 exim4-daemon-light /usr/sbin/sendmail
#67 1731867005 exim4-daemon-light /usr/bin/mailq
#68 1731867005 exim4-daemon-light /usr/sbin/rmail
#69 1731867005 exim4-daemon-light /usr/bin/newaliases
#70 1731867005 exim4-daemon-light /usr/sbin/exim
#71 1731867005 exim4-daemon-light /usr/sbin/runq
#72 1731867005 exim4-daemon-light /usr/sbin/rsmtp
#73 1731867005 exim4-daemon-light /usr/sbin/exim4
#74 1731867002 coreutils /usr/bin/head
#75 1731867002 findutils /usr/bin/find
#76 1731867002 gsm-utils /usr/bin/gsmsmsrequeue
#77 1731867002 procps /usr/bin/ps
#78 1731867002 net-tools /usr/sbin/route
#79 1731867002 coreutils /usr/bin/seq
#80 1731867002 coreutils /usr/bin/tr
#81 1731866978 x11-xserver-utils /usr/bin/xrandr
#82 1731866973 coreutils /usr/bin/sleep
#83 1731866973 bc /usr/bin/bc
#84 1731866942 zsh /usr/bin/zsh
#85 1731866942 zsh /usr/bin/rzsh
#86 1731866942 coreutils /usr/bin/uname
#87 1731866942 coreutils /usr/bin/env
#88 1731866941 powermgmt-base /usr/sbin/on_ac_power
#89 1731866941 openssh-client /usr/bin/ssh
#90 1731866941 coreutils /usr/bin/mkdir
#91 1731866941 powermgmt-base /usr/bin/on_ac_power
#92 1731866941 coreutils /usr/bin/timeout
#93 1731866941 openssh-client /usr/bin/slogin
#94 1731866941 coreutils /usr/bin/basename
#95 1731866930 gawk /usr/bin/gawk
#96 1731866890 bash /usr/bin/bash
#97 1731866890 bash /usr/bin/rbash
#98 1731866883 coreutils /usr/bin/echo
#99 1731866881 coreutils /usr/bin/ls

gregoa, 2024-11-17 23:45:05 +0100

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All material on this blog — unless stated otherwise — is © gregor herrmann, and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Austria License.