gregoa's blog
random musings about computers, life, and everything
random musings about computers, life, and everything
entries from February 2007
2007-02-23 18:07:49 +0100
unison <tab>
after being annoyed several times that unison has no completion for my
several profiles I decided to take my first plunge into the matter of bash
completion & created a very basic attempt: bash completion in unison.
2007-02-10 19:29:29 +0100
chello & dinner
something's wrong with chello or with our cable modem:
- thursday: no internet connection from 4:xx until 21:xx. well, I wasn't at home at that time anyway.
- friday: the internet connection drops in the evening. time for dinner. — still no internet later. power toggling the router doesn't help. after power toggling the cable modem the connection is up & running again. causal connection or not?
- saturday: the internet connection dies again at 18:19. I have dinner again. — afterwards still no connection but power toggling the cable modem helps again.
2007-02-04 23:41:43 +0100
tux & nerys
inspired by jan wagner's blog entry
I decided to get rid of the lenovo boot image on my nerys. it took
me some time to find out about all needed pieces but now it works:
I've put my notes online; maybe they are
useful for others ...

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