yesterday 10 years ago I became a Debian Developer.
& I still feel that I belong to this community.
& it took me one more day to write this tiny blog post about it.
so tonight I can celebrate 10 years plus 1 day :)
gregoa's blog
random musings about computers, life, and everything
random musings about computers, life, and everything
entries tagged "personal"
2018-04-19 20:21:41 +0200
10 years + 1 day
1 comment
2013-02-15 23:27:13 +0100
2012-06-10 23:21:37 +0200
finally I managed to book a flight to MGA. here's my itinerary, in case
someone shares a flight:

Munich | Madrid | IB3537 | Jul 1 | 07:30 | 10:30 Madrid | San Jose | IB6313 | Jul 1 | 12:05 | 15:05 San Jose | Managua | LR679 | Jul 1 | 18:24 | 19:24 Managua | Panama City | CM105 | Jul 21 | 14:49 | 17:24 Panama City | Madrid | IB6346 | Jul 21 | 18:55 | 12:10+1 Madrid | Munich | IB3564 | Jul 22 | 16:10 | 18:55
2011-06-07 18:11:52 +0200
2011-01-12 23:23:05 +0100
2011-01-04 02:16:42 +0100
archäologie des alltags - renewed
after spending something like two weeks *cough* on it, it seems I've more or
less finished the conversion of my archäologie des alltags (travel
observations) from
plus hand-crafted rss, pdf,
& epub to asciidoc
(plus hand-crafted rss, again).
I've learned more about asciidoc, docbook, xml, xsl, xslt, plus new details
of apaches's mod_rewrite & whatnot than I ever wanted to know, &
there's still enough I don't understand.
I'm not sure the result is really that overwhelming (html is ok, rss &
epub work, pdf leaves something to desire; at least my Makefile
is fun :)); but I guess I leave it at that for the time being.
if you find any non-obvious problems, just shout.
2010-07-07 01:02:40 +0200
I'm going to DebConf10
finally I bought my airplane tickets. at &
for the first time in my life in USD :)
Leave Sunday, July 25, 2010 British Airways 951 Economy | Airbus Industrie A320 (320) | 2hr 5min | 575 miles
Depart: 12:55pm Munich, Germany Munich Franz Josef Strauss (MUC)
Arrive: 2:00pm London, United Kingdom London Heathrow (LHR) British Airways 189 Economy | Boeing 777 (777) | 7hr 45min | 3458 miles
Depart: 3:35pm London, United Kingdom London Heathrow (LHR)
Arrive: 6:20pm Newark, NJ Newark Liberty Int'l (EWR)
Return Saturday, August 14, 2010 British Airways 186 Economy | Boeing 767 Passenger (767) | 7hr 15min | 3458 miles
Depart: 10:55pm Newark, NJ Newark Liberty Int'l (EWR)
Arrive: 11:10am London, United Kingdom London Heathrow (LHR) British Airways 952 Economy | Airbus Industrie A319 (319) | 1hr 55min | 575 miles
Depart: 12:45pm London, United Kingdom London Heathrow (LHR)
Arrive: 3:40pm Munich, Germany Munich Franz Josef Strauss (MUC)

Leave Sunday, July 25, 2010 British Airways 951 Economy | Airbus Industrie A320 (320) | 2hr 5min | 575 miles
Depart: 12:55pm Munich, Germany Munich Franz Josef Strauss (MUC)
Arrive: 2:00pm London, United Kingdom London Heathrow (LHR) British Airways 189 Economy | Boeing 777 (777) | 7hr 45min | 3458 miles
Depart: 3:35pm London, United Kingdom London Heathrow (LHR)
Arrive: 6:20pm Newark, NJ Newark Liberty Int'l (EWR)
Return Saturday, August 14, 2010 British Airways 186 Economy | Boeing 767 Passenger (767) | 7hr 15min | 3458 miles
Depart: 10:55pm Newark, NJ Newark Liberty Int'l (EWR)
Arrive: 11:10am London, United Kingdom London Heathrow (LHR) British Airways 952 Economy | Airbus Industrie A319 (319) | 1hr 55min | 575 miles
Depart: 12:45pm London, United Kingdom London Heathrow (LHR)
Arrive: 3:40pm Munich, Germany Munich Franz Josef Strauss (MUC)
2010-01-24 21:16:31 +0100
BRU revisited
I enjoyed being at FOSDEM last year, so I'll be going there again in two
weeks' time. & I'm really looking forward to meeting some nice people
2009-01-25 23:35:26 +0100
going to BRU
I will be in brussels from 2009-02-06 until 2009-02-11, and I'm going there
for the following three reasons:
- to attend FOSDEM
- to discover a new city
- to get some additional entries for my <shameless plug>new project SmokeOrNot</> :)
2008-06-07 14:01:23 +0200
finally I managed to book my flight to DebConf8.

2008-08-03 IB3537 07:45 / Munich, Franz Josef Strauss, Terminal 1 10:25 / Madrid, Barajas, Terminal 4 2008-08-03 IB6845 12:25 / Madrid, Barajas, Terminal 4S 19:40 / Buenos Aires, Pistarini, Terminal A 2008-08-25 IB6844 21:35 / Buenos Aires, Pistarini, Terminal A 14:30 day +1 / Madrid, Barajas, Terminal 4S 2008-08-26 IB3564 16:30 / Madrid, Barajas, Terminal 4 18:55 / Munich, Franz Josef Strauss, Terminal 1& I'm still surprised how frequently the prices for the same flights change ...
2008-03-17 02:56:56 +0100
sunday evening
finally, after waiting for some years, we now get the profil delivered directly to our doorstep
on sunday mornings too, instead of stuffed into the mailbox on monday by the
regular postal service. it started two or three weeks ago, but today was the
first sunday where I actually managed to take my time to read it on the
first possible day.
spending two hours in the bathtub with a news magazine that is officially
released only tomorrow is a good break between Java packages before &
Perl packages afterwards.
2007-07-20 17:11:16 +0200
no, it's not me who is moving but my mother.
she got the keys for her new apartment in innsbruck exactly 4 weeks ago.
today (finally!) she received the notice from the local court that
the property transfer of her house in telfs to the new owner has been
finished, & simultaneously his money arrived on her bank account.
so I drove her & her last few belongings to innsbruck in the afternoon,
& the chapter "telfs" is (almost, some bureaucracy is still
missing) over.
2007-05-06 17:42:23 +0200
2007-01-14 20:40:16 +0100
sold out (again)
I went to the cinema in innsbruck
(again); at least I tried to —
the movie was sold
out (again).
maybe I should think about booking a ticket in advance.
2007-01-13 20:55:39 +0100
sold out / security theatre
- I went to the cinema in innsbruck for the first time in approximately 3 months; at least I tried to — the movie was sold out.
- my new passport — with the annoying & superfluous RFID tag — has arrived; so I can play my minor role in the world wide security theatre ... BTW: "Warning: Do not put your passport in your trouser pocket." *sigh*
2007-01-01 00:35:55 +0100
old year's eve / new year's morning
took a bath, had a glass of laphroaig, spent some hours with nerys
(my new shiny laptop).
2006-12-29 11:03:47 +0100
2006-11-04 03:25:55 +0100
2006-09-09 18:41:02 +0200
goodbye sabine, welcome caro
today sabine painted her room, picked up her last belongings, and handed in
the key to our flat. I felt tears in my eyes when she said goodbye.
one hour later caro called in to confirm that she will move into sabine's
room — & I rejoiced.
2006-08-07 00:20:02 +0200
open air cinema
this year's season of the open air
cinema in innsbruck started last friday. today I managed to see the
first movie (despite the moderate temperature & the high humidity). the
movie was good, the court of
the zeughaus rather empty, I didn't freeze to death.
2006-08-06 17:39:28 +0200
today's the first anniversary of my blog. the first entry was published on
2005-08-06 17:47:08 CEST.
time to look back.
& I'm still happy with using nanoblogger. let's see what the next year brings ;-)
time to look back.
entries per category:
debian 67 misc 12 music 19 personal 34
entries per month:
July 2006 5 June 2006 5 May 2006 8 April 2006 10 March 2006 6 February 2006 9 January 2006 11 December 2005 10 November 2005 7 October 2005 16 September 2005 21 August 2005 24
total status:
Total categories: 4 Total entries: 132 Total visits (last year): 2167
9, among them 8 with debian/linux seems that the enthusiasm at the beginning has faded soon (which doesn't tell anything about the quality :-)). most entries are about my debian/computer related adventures.
& I'm still happy with using nanoblogger. let's see what the next year brings ;-)
2006-07-20 22:34:52 +0200
it's summer. finally. it's hot & I'm sweating but I'm not gonna complain
(like most people do) because I really like this summer after months of
pre-winter, winter, & post-winter.
the only minor annoyance is that I have to put the chocolate in the fridge
because it's almost melting on my desk ;-)
update: one day later: rain is beating horizontally against the
windows; hail can be seen too inbetween ... a typical summer
after the thunderstorm the temperature dropped from 31°C to 20°C. hm. — 2006-07-21
after the thunderstorm the temperature dropped from 31°C to 20°C. hm. — 2006-07-21
2006-07-11 22:50:22 +0200
2006-07-11 18:25:23 +0200
use the source, luke^w/me
once in a while (i.e. twice a year) I want to print out a mail (usually
confirmations from flight tickets or stuff like that); up to now
muttprint did a great job. not today: the result was some illegible
resized-image-like sheet of paper.
fiddling around with options, reading stuff didn't help for some time. until
I detected the following line in muttprint's source code:
if ($Config{PRINT_COMMAND} eq "CUPS") {it's there in muttprint --help (& in the identical manpage) too:
CUPS support is turned on by "CUPS" (or set it to any command which containes the string "$CUPS_OPTIONS").well that's it: setting PRINT_COMMAND="CUPS" in ~/.muttprintrc does the job. & no, I don't really understand it; & I think the problem was not on muttprint's end but somewhere in CUPS' depths ...
2006-07-07 14:58:23 +0200
40 -> 32
beginning with 2006-07-01 I have reduced my weekly working hours from 40 to
32; at my own request.
so today was my first free friday — & I enjoyed the possibility to sleep extensively ;-) on other news: jabref has entered the Debian archive. yeah! update: today mailtextbody — the last pending package — has entered the Debian archive. yeah again! — 2006-07-08
so today was my first free friday — & I enjoyed the possibility to sleep extensively ;-) on other news: jabref has entered the Debian archive. yeah! update: today mailtextbody — the last pending package — has entered the Debian archive. yeah again! — 2006-07-08
2006-06-24 13:18:16 +0200
2006-05-13 16:27:46 +0200
new season
today something like a new season started: for the first time this year I
dared to leave the house wearing my "jesus slippers". I guess it's
not yet warm enough for them in the morning, & the floor in our flat is
still too cold to walk barefoot — but going shopping in the afternoon
without a sweat shirt & without shoes&socks was definitely
recovery ;-)
current temperature at LOWI: 20°C
2006-05-07 14:23:20 +0200
2006-04-28 16:16:46 +0200
successful afternoon
- bought a "new" (i.e. a used but it's new for me) bike; the old one's back tyre looked like 88 or something, & several other parts were b0rked too.
- cleaned my CPU fan again; & oops — the CPU temperature went down!
2006-03-29 10:57:46 +0200
2006-03-25 23:02:02 +0100
mp3 player
richie havens wins against the crowded airplane cabin. until the battery is empty. good to have spares ...
2006-03-05 01:15:48 +0100
surplus diminution
today I diminished the amount of
- surplus dust in my rooms
- surplus scalp & facial hair on my head
2006-02-18 18:04:36 +0100
cleaning saturday
this afternoon I cleaned:
[1] after cleaning the temperature was some 20° lower than before ...
- my CPU fan [0][1]
- my (original IBM PS/2) keyboard
- my gpg keyring
- my host body
[1] after cleaning the temperature was some 20° lower than before ...
2006-01-22 05:51:37 +0100
2006-01-15 02:02:09 +0100
tokyo time
first week of work after two weeks of holidays. difficult change for my
"bio rhythm" — or whatever that stuff with sleeping & staying
awake & average central european working hours might be called.
calvin explains the problem much better:

2006-01-06 02:24:32 +0100
a short look back on news in the year 2005 in 14
I patched igal a bit ...
update: az has adjusted/applied the patch & closed the bug.
update: az has adjusted/applied the patch & closed the bug.
2005-12-30 00:23:56 +0100
2005-12-11 22:02:39 +0100
health promotion II: bathing
lying in the bath tub for over two hours is healthy. what I did:
2005-12-10 15:09:32 +0100
health promotion I - sleeping
went to bed at 03:07. woke up at 09:38. went to the toilet. went to bed
again. woke up at 14:44 again.
2005-12-04 03:17:52 +0100
strange incident
at 3:13 a.m. the door bell rings. once. twice. I get curious & open the
door. - the young woman in front of the door shudders horrified &
mutters "sorry". - wtf?
2005-11-29 18:05:56 +0100
2005-11-19 15:03:18 +0100
some current annoyances:
update 2: fixed item #3.
- snow: yesterday snow was falling when I went to a bar by bike. *sigh*
- bike: some idiot smashed my bike against the wall in front of the bar; now the front light is not working any more (I had my bike's lights repaired just the day before yesterday). *sigh*
- foot: the splinter in my foot (cf. this blog entry) starts hurting again. *sigh*
- /tmp: cron can't write to /tmp any more on one of my machines. hu? *sigh*
- windows: a friend has problems with his windows machine - the machine/mouse/network/whatever is terribly slow. a virus? - I guess I'll have to go there and take a look. despite one of my favourite t-shirts. *sigh*
- postgresql: why is there no DROP SOMETHING IF EXISTS foo? - if I use
DROP statements I get errors about non-existing stuff, if I leave out the
DROP lines I get errors on CREATEs because stuff already exists. - no
problem for manual interventions, but
breaks. deadlock? *sigh*
update 2: fixed item #3.
2005-11-15 17:37:21 +0100
winter's knocking on our doors
today was the first morning with frost.
snowfall is pending, forecastfox announces it for the night from wed to thu.
I need to get my gloves, winter shoes and the thick pullover out of the
oh, well ...
2005-10-30 13:08:51 +0100
2005-10-22 15:39:32 +0200
2005-10-16 18:05:52 +0200
2005-10-14 17:28:16 +0200
shopping afternoon
what I bought today:
update 2: replaced the NIC with a 100MBit 3com 3c905c (2006-01-28).
- blue jeans (in fact: black ~); wrangler
- switch (the old hub was annoying); dlink
- mp3-player (a usb mass storage device); trekstor
- rechargeable batteries & a charger; varta
- enough food for the weekend ;-)
update 2: replaced the NIC with a 100MBit 3com 3c905c (2006-01-28).
2005-10-01 19:12:24 +0200
winter in october
it's still f*cking cold. outside 12°C, and the flat doesn't get warm any
more (temperature constantly below 20°C). why don't they turn on the
heating? hot baths are nice but no solution for long days at home ...
2005-09-17 15:23:49 +0200
vienna guide
explained the route to the cab driver last night. showed the way to other tourists today in the city center.
2005-09-12 15:16:40 +0200
the foot won
about a week ago I stepped on something hard, probably a tiny piece of broken
glass. I didn't manage to tear the splinter out of my foot, so I decided to
wait and see if my horny skin or the foreign substance is stronger.
I think my foot won; I can hardly feel or see the sliver anymore.
2005-08-19 22:58:49 +0200
holiday memories
just 'programmed' a new alarm time on my communicator; it suggested 6:00 -
the time to get up in corsica on the last morning. - almost three weeks ago.
2005-08-17 23:53:46 +0200
cinema again
went to the
open air
cinema for the second time this year. it was not really warm, but my
place (with a table at the side under the arcades) was fine, and the film
("maria, llena eres de gracia") was quite ok.
2005-08-14 16:11:41 +0200
2005-08-11 00:21:50 +0200
finally ...
... I went to the open air
cinema tonight for the first time this year. it could have been
warmer, and the movie was not the best-ever-seen ("kinsey") but
the atmosphere in the court and the whole setting was great again.
2005-08-06 17:53:09 +0200
I'm a little annoyed. since the thunderstorm last friday (2005-07-29) summer
has vanished, and we have kind of an autumn weather now.
never been to the open air
cinema yet.
hopefully the weather will be better in ferrara.
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