gregoa's blog
random musings about computers, life, and everything
random musings about computers, life, and everything
entries from June 2008
2008-06-14 04:21:55 +0200
val pusteria
I did it again:
driving from eastern tyrol home to innsbruck via the val pusteria. &
again I was surprised by the lack of decent radio stations on that route:
you basically have the choice between (rural) umpf-ta & (techo-style)
at least hardly any traffic, & having no border controls (despite the
current currency alcohol & money
making sports madness) is great.
btw: what about building some decent roads in this valley?
2008-06-07 14:01:23 +0200
finally I managed to book my flight to DebConf8.

2008-08-03 IB3537 07:45 / Munich, Franz Josef Strauss, Terminal 1 10:25 / Madrid, Barajas, Terminal 4 2008-08-03 IB6845 12:25 / Madrid, Barajas, Terminal 4S 19:40 / Buenos Aires, Pistarini, Terminal A 2008-08-25 IB6844 21:35 / Buenos Aires, Pistarini, Terminal A 14:30 day +1 / Madrid, Barajas, Terminal 4S 2008-08-26 IB3564 16:30 / Madrid, Barajas, Terminal 4 18:55 / Munich, Franz Josef Strauss, Terminal 1& I'm still surprised how frequently the prices for the same flights change ...
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