time to look back.
entries per category:
debian 67 misc 12 music 19 personal 34
entries per month:
July 2006 5 June 2006 5 May 2006 8 April 2006 10 March 2006 6 February 2006 9 January 2006 11 December 2005 10 November 2005 7 October 2005 16 September 2005 21 August 2005 24
total status:
Total categories: 4 Total entries: 132 Total visits (last year): 2167
9, among them 8 with debian/linux tipps.it seems that the enthusiasm at the beginning has faded soon (which doesn't tell anything about the quality :-)). most entries are about my debian/computer related adventures.
& I'm still happy with using nanoblogger. let's see what the next year brings ;-)