gregoa's blog
random musings about computers, life, and everything

2009-12-10 17:58:47 +0100
mad wifi? madwifi!
seems I'm only blogging about wifi problems on my laptop. anyway, status update: I'm visiting friends, & I really want to sit in their kitchen/living room with my thinkpad & wifi. – as usual it didn't really work (dropouts, incredibly long RTTs, terribly slow connection, ...). but I think I found a solution: like in summer I tried with madwifi instead of ath5k. but this time not with the madwifi-hal- tarball but with the madwifi-0.9.4-current.tar.gz from so I again created a madwifi-source package & then built a madwifi-modules package against my current (2.6.31, 2.6.32 had funny issues yesterday) kernel. & lo&behold – I seem to have something that feels like wifi again. the madwifi-source package is available at the Toastfreeware Debian Repository's experimental/non-free area. (& now let's see if I have to revoke my success story or not.)
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