#551926– ftp.debian.org: "RM: pip -- tool for scripted and third-party CPAN distribution installation"
contributed to a solution in the BTS (pkg-perl)#576901– drbd8-utils: "init.d script fails under Squeeze with insserv due to lack of run level definitions"
add a comment to the BTS#578792– libbusiness-onlinepayment-paymentech-perl: "libbusiness-onlinepayment-paymentech-perl: FTBFS: Can't locate URI/Escape.pm in @INC"
add missing build dependencies and upload (pkg-perl)#579492– libnet-smtp-server-perl: "libnet-smtp-server-perl: missing dependency on libnet-dns-perl"
add missing dependency and upload (pkg-perl)#579577– libdevel-cover-perl: "libdevel-cover-perl: FTBFS when the build dir contains regexp metacharacters (breaks binNMUs?)"
apply patch from BTS and upload (pkg-perl)#579599– src:libtime-y2038-perl: "sbuild: doesn't install package that's also provided."
versioned close (pkg-perl)#580095– libmpg123-0: "libmpg123-0: *** glibc detected *** /usr/bin: free(): invalid pointer: 0xb7c29098 ***"
reported, debugging ...
gregoa's blog
random musings about computers, life, and everything
random musings about computers, life, and everything
2010-05-10 00:31:02 +0200
RC bugs 2010/17, 2010/18
the usual short overview about my RC bug activities:
created by Chronicle v4.6