#677861– src:lftp: "lftp: FTBFS[kfreebsd-i386]: error: conflicting declaration 'typedef __int32_t gl_intptr_t'"
sponsor upload to t-p-u from Ivo De Decker#680100– libatomic-ops: "libatomic-ops/powerpc: FTBFS: eats all disk space in the known universe (almost, anyway)"
backport fix for t-p-u, upload with maintainer's and release team's permission#691015– conserver-client: "conserver-client: fails to upgrade from testing: Can't locate Tie/Hash/NamedCapture.pm in @INC"
update regexp to use numbered capture groups, upload to DELAYED/2
gregoa's blog
random musings about computers, life, and everything
random musings about computers, life, and everything
2012-12-16 19:27:29 +0100
RC bugs 2012/50
have I said before that we are running out of easy RC bugs? the list is a
bit short this week:
created by Chronicle v4.6