yeah, the RC bug count is going down, mostly due to the bug squashing party taking place in cambridge, uk, this weekend (with participation of some release team members).
here are my contributions during the last week:
#677054– nut-client: "nut-client: prompting due to modified conffiles which were not modified by the user"
add some information to the bug log, later NMUd by Ivo De Decker/Andreas Beckmann#695710– src:adplug: "adplug: includes non-free documentation (GFDL with unmodifiable sections)"
repack again, upload to DELAYED/5#696144– spamassassin: " regex for illegal IP address contains valid network 5/8"
add a comment to the bug report, then marked as fixed in wheezy+sid by other contributor#698764– libio-compress-perl: "libio-compress-perl: breaks "debmirror" and possibly other packages."
some investigation (pkg-perl), later closed as user error#698979– src:libmail-cclient-perl: "libmail-cclient-perl: FTBFS with DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck"
fix debian/rules (pkg-perl), severity later downgraded by release team