this week, my main contribution to fixing RC bugs was to ask others what they think about closing bugs which looked already fixed to me. worked quite fine.
full list:
#682420– src:libpaper: "libpaper: "Multi-Arch: same" but postrm removes arch-independent configuration"
use DPKG_MAINTSCRIPT_PACKAGE_REFCOUNT before file removal, upload to DELAYED/5#743853– libpango-1.0-0: "libpango-1.0-0 : Breaks: libpango1.0-0 (< 1.32.5-2) but 1.30.0-1 is to be installed"
check current jenkins results, then closed by maintainer#754132– libmcrypt: "libmcrypt: add autoreconf during the build to enable new architectures"
propose to close bug, done by one of the NMUers#760908– libmcrypt4: "libmcrypt: another autoreconf fix for arm64 build"
propose to close bug, done by one of the NMUers#762061– dkms: "dkms should pull in the correct linux-headers package"
downgrade#762782– libprocps3-dev,libprocps4-dev: "libprocps4-dev and libprocps3-dev: error when trying to install together"
propose to close bug, done by fellow DD#763769– glabels: "glabels exists with "Abort" when creating a new document"
prepare patch from upstream git commits, later NMUed by fellow DD#764667– distcc: "distcc: Trigger cycle causes dpkg to fail processing"
change triggers from "interest" to "interest-noawait", as proposed by Guillem Jover, upload to DELAYED/5#767041– kephra: "kephra: Fails with "You did not specify a file name""
upload with patch prepared by Partha Pratim Mukherjee (pkg-perl)#767066– " [i386] Crashes when loading .gorm files"
sponsor maintainer upload