- I have a new toy: notify-send.
- I need to pratice guitar playing more often.
so let's try to combine these points:
- install needed software: notification-daemon, libnotify-bin
(contains notify-send).
- find an image.
- set up a cronjob.
cronjob (wrapped over several lines for better legibility):
0 17 * * * DISPLAY=:0.0 notify-send \
-t 0 \
-u critical \
-h "int:x:1680" -h "int:y:0" \
-i /home/gregoa/data/sound/trio\ infernal/triologo_square_border_transparent.png \
"Trio Infernal says:" \
"Heute schon Gitarre gespielt?"
(for details check man 1
result (at the top right corner of my screen):

& yes, this is not my only use case for
notify-send :)